Times are tough right now, a lot of people are losing their jobs, or working from home and feeling very uncertain about their future income. For the past couple of years I’ve been writing a book and courses with all the tips and systems that I’ve used to make money for the past 6+ years in the industry from home – making a site for and helping Clara Dee when she was first starting out was part of that – and I wanted to make fancy graphics, and well done videos, etc. However, seeing how things are right now I think the best thing to do is to just release all the info I do have put together, as quick blog posts and downloadable templates, for free and as quickly as possible!
I know not everyone can work in the adult industry, and it might feel frivolous to be even thinking about making porn and being sexual right now, but for those of you in the group that is able and willing to make this type of content – right now a lot of people need distraction and stress relief, so while helping yourself stay afloat, you’re also helping others forget about their problems, even if just for a few minutes.
The sex industry has historically been a recession-proof business, and even if this pandemic just blows over, there will probably be some tough years ahead economically. Luckily there are even ways to make money from porn where the consumers don’t need to pay for you to get money! In the blog posts that follow you will find info on how to get started, how to figure out what content to make (including ideas to get around issues like living with people), what things you might need to get started, and more! I hope this helps at least a few people in this trying time, and I hope you’re all staying safe and most importantly AT HOME!
I’ve seen a few people posting guides similar to this, but often they focus more on live camming or sexting type services, and while this guide will touch on those, its main focus is video creation, distribution and advertising to make passive income.
I will be available to answer any and all questions about getting started making porn from home! Feel free to email me (sexy_miss_saffron@hotmail.com) or send me a DM on Reddit (reddit.com/u/sexy_saffron) and I’ll answer as quickly as I can!